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Covid-19 Information

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⚠️ Important update 14/01/21⚠️

Good morning to all my lovely customers. Unfortunately, last night we received the sad news that due to further tightening of government restrictions we can no longer operate as normal.

For the unforeseeable future we can only accept welfare cases where there is matting and/or skin conditions which requires intervention for the health and wellbeing of the dog. Maintenance grooming is not permitted until recent restrictions have been lifted.

I’ll still be open for those who require immediate attention but I am always here to help with any questions and advice so please do not hesitate to call me. I will get in touch with each individual customer to reschedule appointments.

Please keep regularly brushing at home to avoid any discomfort, and if matting becomes an issue please get in touch.

Keep safe everyone. I can’t wait to get back to seeing you all as normal.

Love from Courtney x 🐾


Under the government’s most recent guidelines we are allowed to reopen but with some special measures in place. 
 ↔️ Social distancing must take place at all times and handovers following the CFSG protocol will be done at the gate with the owner retaining all equipment such as leads. 
🤒 Dogs from self isolating households displaying symptoms should not be brought along for grooming. Please wait until all members of the household are symptom free and no longer in the self isolating period. 
🧼 The grooming station will be disinfected after each groom. 
💰 Where possible please can payments be made through contactless means ie bank transfer. 

For further information please see the CFSG guidelines here

Covid-19 Information: News
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